What is sex like in the kitchen when you work as a couple at a restaurant

In Italy, there have always been many restaurants run by couples. We asked a few who work together what sex in the kitchen is like.

In the catering world there are many couples who work together and live together. Now, beyond the question of whether or not it is wise for us to stay together and work together with our partners, the real question I asked myself this time was: how are their relationships going? How do they manage them? But above all, how’s the sex going?

For me, kitchens exude sex from all sides: they have a somewhat harsh atmosphere, where people laugh, scream, the pace is frenetic. I for one would say that after a day of work in the kitchen, couples jump into bed to have sex. But I’m not so sure, considering how exhausting it is to work in such an environment.

So I decided to ask them directly how they cope with sex when they have the same exhausting and adrenaline-filled job.

Small premise: I didn’t expect to struggle so much to find someone willing to talk about their sex life and their connection to the food world, but it happened. At least four couples refused to talk to me about it.

However, there were some brave ones: Thank God there are still people who don’t consider sex taboo.

What excites chefs

chefs sex desiresDaniele Antonelli and Giorgia Proia have a patisserie not far from the Colosseum in Rome: Casa Manfredi (by the way, my favorite patisserie in the capital). I wanted to start with them because they’ve been together for a while, two generations – like me and my partner – and they have a son, Manfredi.

“At first I think we can say we had a normal sexual relationship,” Giorgia Proia tells me. “I was younger and I had some insecurity. But, over time, Daniele made me discover new things in bed. Especially at home, to be honest: we moved in together almost immediately.”

Because I imagine work kills desire, I ask them what turns them on in each other. “I’m turned on by a man who doesn’t let himself be stepped on,” Giorgia tells me as she prepares something very creamy. “It turns me on to the max when Daniele gets mad at ignorant, big-mouthed people.” And Daniele simply tells me: “Maybe it will seem strange to you, but just looking at her is enough for me to turn me on. After all these years, it still excites me to look at it.”

A younger couple are Floriano Pellegrino and Isabella Potì of Bros’, who own Lecce, a gastronomic universe that includes a restaurant, a trattoria and an academy. They are one of the coolest couples in Italian cuisine, I love music, fashion and sports. They met when Isabella went to an internship in Bros’, not even eighteen years old. “I noticed it immediately,” says Floriano Pellegrino. “And yes, of course I noticed her at work, how can you not see her, look at her,” Floriano tells me.

“Charisma and talent are the first things that catch my attention and excite me,” says Isabella Potì. “I like people who evolve, not just people who are aesthetically beautiful, and I always see that in Floriano.” Floriano Pellegrino continues, almost poetically: “It’s devastating to see Isabella’s face in the kitchen. I get really excited about people who do things right, and Isabella is one of them.”

Even Lea Pedrinella and Lorenza Licciardello, both initially unrelated to the world of catering — one comes from the theater, the other from the world of photography —

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You can constantly get London escorts quickly for you hot pleasure

In order to get attractive satisfaction, lots of males employ cheap and hot London escorts. With London escorts technique lots of men get stunning and hot females in simple ways and they get fantastic pleasure also in London. But a long time males do not know how to get beautiful and sexy women in London for enjoyment requirements by London escorts and they get. If you are in the exact same situation, you can stop stressing over it because you can have hot London escorts as your satisfaction partner in following simple steps.

1) You can get sexy pleasure by London escorts just if you are all set to pay their charge for this service in London. That means prior to you do anything else to get cheap and hot escorts as your partner, you will require to make your mind for this. When you will make a clear mind for this, then you can take the services in a positive way which will assist you get fantastic pleasure with attractive ladies in easy way.

Classy Girl With Wine2) After you make your mind, you need to plan for the money as well. If you have a huge spending plan then you have no factor to stress over it and you can get London escorts as your partner quickly. However if you have a tight budget plan, then you will need to plan for the budget accordingly and you will require to take the services from a service provider that use hot companion to you in cheap cost.

3) After this you require to connect with a London escorts firm that provide partner for attractive satisfaction to you in London. For this you can pick a company of your choice and to discover this firm you can take the assistance of internet. As far as my opinion is worried for this, I would recommend you to choose xLondonEscorts for that. To understand more about this company you can check out www.xlondonescorts.co.uk and you can understand more about it quickly.

4) Once you select a hot female partner by means of this service, you just need to hire that female partner for your enjoyment requirement. When you will work with cheap and gorgeous ladies as your partner in London for satisfaction requirements. In this technique you can select beautiful and hot ladies as your partner. And when you will do it, then you will have the ability to have terrific enjoyable with them in easy methods.

5) In last you just need to get the services from them and you can have stunning and hot females in London. When you take their services, then you simply need to make sure that you take their help according to rules and you give regard to your partner. Also, it is a good idea that you pay the money beforehand to London escorts and you try not to negotiate at the time of payment.

I am confident that with above 5 easy steps, you can have gorgeous and hot females for your satisfaction requires. I can say it confidently due to the fact that I constantly get this satisfaction with London escorts with above mentioned actions.

Few factors since of which I enjoy my short time relationship with London escorts

Busty Blonde EscortIf we want we can divide all the people of this world in 2 categories. In very first classification we can put all those men that choose to have a major relationship with a beautiful lady and they want to stick with her for rest of their life. At the other hand other guys might wish … Read the rest

Your long lasting desire would get satiated due to British escorts for better sex

Sex is something that makes our life so beautiful therefore wonderful. If you wish to enjoy your life much better focus majorly on British escorts for better sex and your desire would become satisfied. Satiating the desire of a person does not accomplished only by mediocre ladies and it is done only by British escorts for better sex. So, you must not constantly think for this thing and rather concentrate majorly on quality life. The quality life is possible only by the British escorts for better sex. If you want to maximize the desire with these British escorts for better sex, very first browse look for Overnight Express particularly www.OvernightExpress.org. This site has actually offered clear ideas about the carnal satisfaction which I love most.

Naughty Lesbians GamesI was absolutely changed when I had my check out initially in the escort place where I was happened to see these British escorts for better sex. That time my mind was completely satisfied with feelings and expectations. So, I was unable to speak any word with these British escorts for better sex. Nevertheless, I managed later and told to come out for dating. They right away said yes and came with me out for dating. I was believing that this escort company would obtain cash a lot, however it does not occur to me and for this reason was totally fit and excellent throughout the dating. Special varieties of people were surrounding me when I went to the place to see British escorts for better sex. My desire to hang out does fulfilled when they said yes and I was prepared to persuade them if they state no. This is because of my strong inner desire for them which I was longing for a long time. Once we were out, they understood my desire and hence they took me to a hotel medical spa for rejuvenation. I had a fantastic time there without any trouble. Paramount of desire was seen in these British escorts for better sex. They put me on excellent relaxation and great time with all perfect features. When I returned to my native place, I informed everything to my friends and the desire likewise got increased greatly. So, the interest of looking these British escorts for better sex was seen amongst them.

Massive numbers of my buddies and relatives took a foreign trip particularly to meet these British escorts for better sex. They too had terrific time with them and had actually given me a lot of gratitude in turn. I never thought I would have this sort of appreciation in my life and hence wished to continue my tour many times there. Whenever I go to there to satiate my desire, I would never ever miss to see these British escorts for better sex. They completely fulfilled my desire with their words and behaviour which you would not see anywhere else.

Gorgeous Girl of Overnight ExpressExclusive varieties of escort companies have desire to extort money from the customers. But this does not take place at the place where I was going for a long time and hence felt completely happy with these British escorts for better sex.

Cheap British escorts helped me enhance my sensuous erotica composing abilities

History of erotica stories is not brand-new to the world and it is as old as the conventional form of literature. Similar to traditional form of literature, in many cases erotica stories can leave a fantastic effect on the reader and sometimes, readers might not like it at all due to absence of sensual feelings. I do agree with this since I also compose erotica stories, … Read the rest

Гай непрекъснато избира да има горещи и привлекателни дами в леглото

Ако искате да говорите с мъжете за техния избор за партньорите им в леглото, тогава по-голямата част от мъжете биха предпочели да имат горещи и привлекателни извити жени в леглото. Ако някога сте имали секси жени с перманентен грим в леглото, тогава няма да поставяте под въпрос тази гледна точка. Но ако никога не прекарвате времето си с тях, тогава възможностите са големи, че може да имате много въпроси относно тази гледна точка. Ако имате такива притеснения в ума си или искате да знаете защо мъжете предпочитат да имат горещи и секси извити дами в леглото, продължете да четете и ще намерите отговора бързо.

Горещите и секси криви жени в леглото се разбират, че доставят повече удоволствие на мъжете. Мъжете наистина се забавляват с такива дами, защото получават по-истинско състояние за игра. Те могат да правят много диви неща с горещи и горещи криви дами в леглото, но може и да не правят такива с кльощави женски. По същия начин, когато мъжете съществуват с извити дами, те стават по-омекотяващи и това увеличава удоволствието от секса. Ако един мъж има повече удоволствие и щастие в секса с някоя конкретна жена, тогава той би избрал да има тази жена за тази връзка, вместо която и да е друга жена или жена

Така че това е една ключова точка, която може да ви докаже тази точка или мнение защо момчетата предпочитат да имат горещи и горещи криви дами в леглото, а не слаби жени. Освен това, ако искат да се сгушат, тогава могат да го направят по-добре със секси и извити дами. Ако обаче се опитат да се сгушат с очарователни слаби жени, тогава те може да не получат същия вид удовлетворение или забавление с тях. Обмисляте мнението си и се обръщате към мен: „Бихте ли предпочели да се гушкате с дама, която няма много плът?“ Уверявам се, че мнозинството от вас биха се отказали за отговора на този въпрос. Когато останете в леглото, вие не просто правите секс, но след това обичате да се притискате с жена си и искате да спите удобно. Това е времето, когато горещите и привлекателни извити жени в леглото могат да бъдат много по-добри от всяка слаба жена.

Сексапил До МоретоОсвен това, горещите и привлекателни криви дами в леглото също могат да правят някои позиции, които може да не са изключително приятни с тънка жена. Например, лотус секс позиция е нещо, което винаги се чувства фантастично, когато го правите с извити дами, но ако го правите с тънка дама, тогава нещата може да не са толкова добри за вас. И така, сега знаете, че горещите суроватки и секси извитите дами в леглото са избрани от мнозинството от момчетата. И ако искате да изпитате или проучите повече за тях, тогава можете да опитате да инвестирате част от времето си с тях и може да научите много повече неща за удовлетворението, което можете да имате от тях.

Следвайте тези насоки, за да получите горещи бюста жени във Варна от красиви момичета

В редовна ситуация всички мъже изпитват специално внимание към горещите заети дами и те искат да получат само горещи гърди дами като свой партньор във всеки възможен сценарий. За да получат гореща бюст партньорка, хората в даден момент плащат малко пари и на евтини зашеметяващи красавици във Варна . Това е чудесен начин да накарате горещи бюста момичета във Варна, но когато опитате тази техника, тогава трябва да изпълните няколко конкретни стъпки, които обсъждам изброени по-долу, така че можете да получите наистина горещи бюста жени като ваш партньор за приятно удовлетворение нужда.

Изберете уважавана фирма: За да получите истински горещи бюста жени във Варна , можете постоянно да получавате … Read the rest

Some truly fantastic things about cheap London escorts and also their solutions

So many men worldwide take the solutions of cheap London escorts to get a partner for date. In this method, they obtain truly remarkable services as well as fantastic enjoyable. Yet if you will ask about the wonderful points related to cheap London escorts of their services, then many individuals would not have the ability to share those point with you. Here, I am trying to share few of the most amazing and also amazing aspects of cheap London escorts and also things that they supply to individuals.

London escorts - slim model

No strings attach relationship: When men employ cheap London escorts for dating services, after that men don’t obtain entailed right into any partnership. In this certain method, guys do not need to bother with any kind of strings connected to this connection. This is just one of the most superb things that men get with cheap London escorts services If they will certainly try to date hot and hot ladies with other normal alternative, after that they would certainly not obtain the very same result as they would have numerous strings affixed with their partnership.

Fantastic enjoyable all the time: An additional significant and also fantastic feature of cheap London escorts and also their aid is that men get excellent fun all the time. In this choice, guys can share whatever they have in their mind and they will get the most effective solutions with hot and sexy ladies in very easy means. This will absolutely offer excellent enjoyable to all the men constantly. Consequently, we can add this name this additionally in the list of fantastic thing pertaining to cheap London escorts and their aid.

No losing of time at all: When you attempt to obtain services of cheap London escorts, after that you don’t need to squander your time in any ways. In this technique, you can merely phone call to the agency that provide these solutions to you and afterwards you can have great fun simple methods. You don’t have to fret about accessibility of women partner as you can do the reservation for time as well as you can have the preferred result in very easy means. This will certainly assist you get the most effective fun without wasting any of your time.

Expenses are always inexpensive: London escorts solutions are always offered at an extremely cheap cost. This cheap expense makes it extremely budget-friendly for all the people as well as they can have this service in an extremely simple means. When males obtain a partner for their date, using London escorts solutions, after that they do not require to purchase pricey gifts for the girl. Neither they need to pick any expensive location for the trip or supper. Instead of this they can choose a place that matches their spending plan and also it help them have far better result.

In addition to this, individuals can have a lot of other benefits also with the help of cheap London escorts services. And also if you want to experience all these great points, after that you can do that only by trying it by yourself. When you will certainly try it, then you will certainly realize just how terrific this service is and afterwards you will be able to appreciate all the great tings connected to this solution.

Top notch cheap London escorts and also their services.

I would constantly love to my life happiness with the help of cheap escort in my city. Great deals of my friends congratulate me for my link with the cheap escort solutions. I am more valuable and appealing whenever … Read the rest

You can conveniently really feel the passion of escorts in London

If you live in North London and also you wish to fee l the enthusiasm with hot ladies, then you can take escorts in London solutions for that. When you would certainly take escorts in London solutions after that you can experience the interest of lovely girls and also you would have the ability to have superb fun with hot women in north London. In order to experience the passion of attractive as well as sexy escorts in London in North London, you can adhere to these simple steps and you can have wonderful experience with enthusiasm in truly easy method.

Discover an excellent company: In order to feel the enthusiasm of escorts in London solutions in North London, initially you will certainly need to connect with a company for this service. If you do not get the company for your solutions, after that you would certainly not be able to have ideal fun with this choice. This is not mosting likely to be a problem for you, because you can look for very same on the net and also you may get all the vital or needed information for this certain point in very easy method.

escorts in London - hot lady

Select a hot woman: If you would certainly pass by a hot lady, after that it’s going to be a laborious for you to experience the enthusiasm with hot escorts in London in North London. Once you choose a north London escorts in London firm, then you can also select a hot lady for this enthusiasm When you would do this, then you are going to have the most effective enjoyable also with excellent ease. Hence, this is one more thing that I would certainly recommend to you for having better pleasure and also fun with hot as well as attractive women in North London to experience the feelings in companionship of hot girls.

Work with among them: T take pleasure in the enthusiasm with hot escort in North London, you should need to work with one of their girls as your partner for satisfaction. If you do not employ escorts in London carefully then you might not experience all the passion and feelings of hot ladies that they are using to you. I am sure you would certainly not intend to miss this certain thing in any problem which is why you would certainly likewise hire them sensibly. So, when you think about having happiness as well as enjoyable with hot girl in North London, after that make sure you work with hot escorts in London in really sensible manner.

Have superb fun: This is the last thing that you require to do to fume and hot women for having good time in north London. If you are not sure just how to have the most effective fun with hot and fantastic escorts in London after that you would certainly not really feel enthusiasm in any type of problem. To feel the enthusiasm, it is a sensible concept that you share your demand or selections to them and you share each and also everything that you have in your mind at the time of hiring hot ladies in North London. When you would certainly do that, then you are mosting likely to have the very best fun with escorts in London in the very best feasible way having no troubles in all.

Few solutions that men enjoy with complete interest.

Today every person is going to get success as well as fantastic facilities in life. But with the desire of success, tension is additionally increasing each day. In this difficult life … Read the rest