There are a couple of new additions to the Netherlands jaunt. Dates are, as of this writing, as follows:
April 23. 2008 – Cobblestone Club | Oldenzaal, NL
April 24, 2008 – NPS Radio | Hilversum, NL
April 25, 2008 – Gouwestad Radio | Gouda, NL
April 26, 2008 – Maloe Melo | Amsterdam, NL
April 27, 2008 – In The Woods | Lage Vuursche, NL
April 30, 2008 – Burgerweeshuis | Deventer. NL
May 3, 2008 – Ootersport Rhythm & Blues Night | Groningen, NL
If you are looking to join the band for any of these shows, why not intergrate these into your calendars through Loomer’s Facebook page, the Loomer page, the Loomer imeem page, or their MySpace page? Jeez, they have a lot of websites. Stay tuned for more details!!!03.05.08 – THE OFFICIAL DAKOTA ANNOUNCEMENT FROM SCOTT…
It’s spring somewhere. I don’t know about you but the Loomer cave is starting to feel a little crowded. And funky. And that’s not good. No, it’s not. So, we’ve hosed ourselves down, trimmed the toenails, and put on some clean trousers (okay, put on some trousers). Having completed these Herculean tasks it is now our somewhat reckless intention to sally forth out into the primordial light of day and breathe the crisp, clean air of a new and protean world. And we will do that. Someday. Someday when it gets freakin’ warm enough to go outside without an astronaut suit on. Until then, the best we can possibly muster is a night out at the Dakota. Let’s call it the Hen’s Teeth Tour of southwestern Ontario, with Saturday, March 15th at the Dakota Tavern being the only stop. After that we’re off to tiptoe through the tulips of the Netherlands so catch us while there’s still some hope of me remembering any of the lyrics.03.04.08 – BEEN MORE THAN A WHILE…
So…. how’vya been? The Loomer factory seemingly closed it’s doors for a little while there as everyone worked on different projects for the last few months. Now, the band is getting back into the swing of things with some exciting news. Loomer’s first tour of The Netherlands is happening at the end of April!!! Check out the list of shows (with a few more to be added). If you are in Toronto, please join us at the Dakota Tavern on the 15th – it’s the only Canadian show on the horizon for a while…
March 15, 2008 – The Dakota Tavern | Toronto, ON
April 23. 2008 – Cobblestone Club | Oldenzaal, NL
April 24, 2008 – NPS Radio | Hilversum, NL
April 25, 2008 – Gouwestad Radio | Gouda, NL
April 26, 2008 – Maloe Melo | Amsterdam, NL
April 27, 2008 – In The Woods | Lage Vuursche, NL
April 30, 2008 – Burgerweeshuis | Deventer. NL
May 3, 2008 – Ootersport Rhythm & Blues Night | Groningen, NL
In other news from across the pond, due to the high demand for Loomer’s first album “Love Is A Dull Instrument”, Rounder Europe will be re-issuing this album in late March!09.29.07 – BEEN A WHILE…
Yes, it’s true – we haven’t updated this pup in a while. Everyone has been asleep since the tour.
There will be some new site updates coming in the next few days, including a new web gallery to show off all of the fantastic photos that have been taken. Here is a quick preview…
In the meantime, check out this video clip of the band performing at the Belladrum Festival in Scotland…
07.19.07 – TUNE UP
Before the band crosses the Atlantic for their upcoming UK tour, those lucky folks in southern Ontario have one last chance to see them at the Dakota Tavern on July 28th. This will be the last Loomer performance in Toronto for a while, so take advantage. Besides, you’ll get to see the new light show, and all the pyrotechincs that will be taking place. Well, maybe no pyro, and likely very few lights… but it’ll be fun just the same.
July 28, 2007
The Dakota Tavern
249 Ossington Avenue, Toronto, ON M6J 3A1
As promised, here are the Loomer tour dates for the UK this August…
Aug 9th – BBC Scotland radio performance
Aug 10th – Rothes Hall, Glenrothes, Fife
Aug 11th – Belladrum Festival, Inverness
Aug 12th – The Village, Edinburgh
Aug 14th – The Brickyard, Carlisle
Aug 15th – The Musician, Leicester
Aug 16th – The Maze, Nottingham
Aug 18th – Ent Shed, Bedford
Aug 21st – The Windmill, Brixton
Aug 23rd – Talking Heads, Southampton
Aug 24th – Anchor Inn, Brighton
Aug 25th – The Prom, Bristol
05.07.07 – A NOTE FROM SCOTT
Holy crap, has this been a LONG Monday or what? Perhaps the mysterious yellow orb in the sky has thrown off my Ch’i. At any rate, all of my positive energy is now focused on Tuesday which promises to be a better day because it’s not Monday. By the time we get aound to Friday I should be nearly serene. It is in that Friday spirit of things that I now drop you a quick line to let you know that we’re going to have a good ol’ fashioned rock show this Friday, May 11th at the tastefully arranged and popularly priced Cadillac Lounge, 1296 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario. The Cadillac has an fantastic patio out back and inexplicably this weekend promises to be both warm AND sunny (less sunny during the evening to be sure). Bring a friend or two or ten; it makes for more interesting conversation in general and strangers will admire you. It’ll be a two-set extravaganza of biblical proportion. Well, it’ll be two sets anyway. Let’s leave the bible out of it. On the advice of our attorney the tiger ride has been cancelled for Friday’s show. For people who likes maps
Summer is upon us, and in Canada that is not just a footnote – it’s a reason for celebration.
In case you missed the update from February, Loomer will be performing at the Cadillac Lounge in Toronto on May 11. That’s next Friday for those keeping score.
We’ve also noticed some of our UK pals asking about potential tour dates this summer. All we can say at this point is… set your out of office notification for most of August, as it looks like Loomer will be spending at least a couple of weeks roaming through your clubs and pubs. Stayed tuned to this space for dates – to be announced in the next week or so…
03.04.07 – THE LOOMER IPO
Many years ago, in a strange and distant land….”
My name is Scott and I got a new bicycle. It’s red with a banana seat and monkey bars. I got it yesterday for my birthday. Well, the seat and the handle bars are new. The bike is the same old bike but it’s a good one. I can’t wait for the snow to melt so that I can use it on the road and not just in my driveway.”
Not so long ago, from a strange and distant man…
“Another goddamned birthday approaching. If I could just somehow remember that day in more detail, waking up, the usual argument with Mom over eating breakfast I imagine, new socks and underwear barely acknowledged and tossed on the floor, the gleaming “new” bike in the driveway (Dad must have cleaned it up), surrounded by snow drifts on both sides. At least that’s how I recall events although I suspect it’s really more of a narrative I’ve invented from an old photograph. In fact, over the years it’s become a more and more of a story and less and less of a real memory at all. It’s so much easier to dredge up the story. You couldn’t even call it nostalgia really. But Christ, I look preternaturally happy in that photo.
Truth be told I feel vaguely the same way about our new record. It too is red with a banana seat and monkey bars. Metaphorically at least. And although the record, like the bike, is not technically new we’ve decided to shine it up and “officially” launch the damn thing in Canada on March 30th, 2007 at the impossibly trendy Dakota Tavern in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This time we’re going to rehearse. See if that helps at all. I’m going to send out more details over the next few weeks but I thought I should warn you; that sound you hear coming toward you, that motorcycle, that jet engine, that beautiful red bike with hockey cards clothes-pegged to spokes, well that will be us.”
02.03.07 – THE LIVE LOOMER
It seems unbelievable, considering the band has not performed live (in front of actual people) since last fall. Well, hold on to your hats – there are 3 concert dates announced.
The “official” CD release party for Songs Of The Wild West Island. Better late than never.
249 Ossington Ave (@ Dundas)
Toronto, ON
FRIDAY MAY 11, 2007
1296 Queen St W.
Toronto, ON
In other news, click yer way on over to the Dallas Observer, and have a look at the lovely review they wrote for the new album.
12.29.06 – iTUNES IS ALIVE!
I hear this digital thing is going to be big.
Took long enough, but the new Loomer album – Songs Of The Wild West Island is now available in the iTunes Music Store. Just click on the link.

Also, for those that haven’t moved to the digital world as yet, but don’t have the strength to lacquer up your buggy… you can now order Songs Of The Wild West Island through Just click on the link, and you will be magically transported through the inter-neato.
It truly has been a wonderful year for Loomer. Thank you to everyone who has listened to, written about or mentioned the new album. Speaking of, you may notice that Songs Of The Wild West Island is the #7 best seller for the entire year at Miles Of Music. Thanks to everyone who has bought a copy.
In other news, we’ve discovered some cool cats over at Please go and check out their site – the current podcast features Loomer, along with a review of the Top 10 Americana News events of 2006. They have also put together some highlights of some of their best interviews, including Fred Eaglesmith, Will Kimbrough and Kevin Welch among others.
A couple of more reviews have come in for Songs Of The Wild West Island, including one from what can only be described as the greatest magazine in the history of the printed word, Country Standard Time. Click here to read the review. Once you do, perhaps you’ll understand the photo below.


Loomer officially welcome our new best friends in the US…!!!!
Not to be confused with our current and longtime favourite human from the US, Jim Whitford., a collective of clearly well-heeled, and all around swell folks, wrote a lovely piece on Songs Of The Wild West Island. Please do have a look. You’ll see that, along with some other delicious recommendations. You can also sample a few tracks from the album while you visit.
For those that haven’t been motivated to buy the new album as yet, you can go to Roots Music Canada, and stream the entire album on their website – a part of CBC Radio 3.
As of last week, the new album was still holding the #1 position at Miles Of Music.
For those that didn’t see it on the Loomer myspace page, our old chums at AmericanaUK posted another lovely review, giving Songs Of The Wild West Island a 9/10. Check it out for yerselves.
Last but not least, our friend Tom has this magnificent podcast that you should really subscribe to… mainly because he plays Loomer on it. Podcast #39 actually has the first ever Loomer contest (although I am sure someone has already won the prize). In any event, click on the link to subscribe to this great podcast!
Well, things are off to a pretty good start. Some reviews are coming in, and they are looking pretty darn good. Check out the reviews section if you want to read any of them… especially the Velvet Underground taking a walk with Gram Parsons bit…
It should also be noted that Songs Of The Wild West Island has debuted at #1 on the weekly Miles Of Music chart in it’s first week. Other chart postitions include #6 on the FAR (Freeform Americana Chart) and #1 on the European Americana Chart. Big thanks to everyone who reports in to these lovely publications!!

Here it is folks – it’s a brand new record. Available in the Newtone Company Store. If you’d like to preview some tracks from Songs Of The Wild West Island, check out the Loomer site. If you are already one of the fantastic people who have purchased the new album, and are looking for the lyrics… you can get to them right here
I hear this Internet thing is really taking off. For everyone’s amusement (mainly our own), you can now whittle away the hours at our new MySpace site. For those of you that have often wondered what the band looks like… here is your chance. There are actual photographs posted there! You will then, of course, realize why we didn’t want to post them here.
In other news… there are some upcoming shows that you must be warned about.
Sunday April 9 , 2006
Corktown Tavern
75 Young St, Hamilton ON
Loomer is opening for Al Stewart. Yes, that Al Stewart.
Saturday June 17, 2006
Burlington Sound Of Music Festival
Spencer Smith Park – Burlington, Ontario
As mentioned on this page only 2 weeks ago (see below), the new album is coming along swimmingly. It seems that Scott may have a title now… Songs Of The Wild West Island. What are the Songs of the Wild West Island you ask? So far there is Anastasia, Turnbuckle, Dirt Angel, Only Lovers, Bang The Nails, Burden Of Proof, Caramel Heart, Pull Me In, Endless Holiday & Sunday Driver Down. We can only assume that this is some sort of concept album… like Meatloaf.
Thats it for now. Don’t forget to get a copy of the BBC recording of Anastasia in the downloads section.
01.26.06 – OOPS!
Well, by golly it sure has been a long time since we’ve written anything here. Here is the Loomer lowdown… and there is a lot to report…
Over the last few months, the band has begun work on their second, as yet unnamed, album. Recording began in December, with a break over the holidays while our intrepid bass player John went to France, then on to India on his honeymoon. Yes, I said honeymoon. John was married to his beautiful fiance Shilling this past November. So, he has just returned, overdubs are almost done… and a few tracks are already being mixed. As Scott can’t put the guitar down, there are already a few new songs, written over the last couple of months) that the band may record as well. I should mention that there is going to be a VERY COOL guest vocalist on this record. I’ll let that sit with you a while.
This album should be ready to roll by April (did I say January before?), so keep a lookout for it. I promise I will keep y’all updated on it’s pregnancy and birth.
Now, as a little treat, you can get yourself a copy of Anastasia, recorded on the BBC last May for the John Harris show. For those in the UK, you may have heard it already. For those elsewhere, it’s likely you haven’t. Go to the downloads section now and grab it!
“I’ve got yer Stanley Cup right here!” Hockey’s back and so are we. Well, I guess it hasn’t been THAT long but apparently somebody in our promotion department missed the fact that we haven’t played a home game in quite some time now. Not since February to be exact. Nothing like a little 8 month
layoff between shows. Hell, it’s like we’re running the NHL or something. We’ve played Hamilton, Kingston, Montreal and half the UK mind you but not right here in the belly of the beast. ‘The Windy Motor City of the Big Apple’ as my friend Ley likes to call it. Of course, he eats a lot of soft food. The point is, we miss you folks! So, we’re going to have a little party to rectify that. And we’re going to have it at the Cadillac Lounge on Friday, October 21st. And we’re gonna invite our old friends NQ Arbuckle to join us on stage to entertain y’all. If you haven’t heard these guys yet, honestly, don’t blow it. See them now before the price goes WAY up. I’m not even sure why they agreed to play with us. Think Tom Waits meets the Pogues at Folsom Prison and you start to get the idea. Wicked, wicked, wicked.
Haven’t seen so many of you for such a long now and I’m not certain when we’ll back this way again so it would be awfully nice to see ALL your shining faces on the 21st. Loomer boys – don’t forget to bring your home jerseys for this one.
09.28.05 – LOVE IS A DULL INSTRUMENT AVAILABLE NOW AT HMV CANADA!!For those of you who, for reasons that aren’t quite clear to us, have not saddled yourself with the burden of owning Love Is A Dull Instrument… you can now purchase this magnificent album at select HMV locations in Canada.
HMV has placed the debut Loomer album in their “Sound Choice” program, along with a listening post. Even cooler, is that they are only charging $8.99!!! Make sure you head over to one of the following HMV locations right away and get your copy now. 09.18.05 – A NEW LOOMER SHOW & A NEW LOOMER ALBUM?
I have to admit, it has been a long time since the last update to the site. Things have been quiet around the Loomer camp this summer, as the folks in the band go off vacationing, spending time with their families, and all those reqular things you do during a Canadian summer.
The good news is that there is an upcoming Loomer show at the Cadillac Lounge on October 21. For those on the mailing list, you will be receiving your official invite from Scott in the coming weeks.
Speaking of people on the mailing list – please be patient as we find a new service for our mailings. It seems that we have reached the maximum subscribers out with our current provider, and need to move to a new system.
The band has begun “pre-production” on the new album, with sights set on having it completed by January. Yes, I know you’ve heard that one before… this time they mean it.
A couple of new shows to tell y’all about, both of which take place in The Hammer. That’s Hamilton Ontario for those that aren’t from around these parts. Here are the deets:
Thursday July 14, 2005
Corktown Tavern
75 Young St, Hamilton ON
Loomer is opening for Canadian legends The Good Brothers
Wednesday July 20, 2005
The Casbah
306 King St W Hamilton ON
Well, the band made it back alive. Big thanks to everyone who came out to the shows, and all of those who helped along the way… you know who you are. Stay tuned here in the coming days and weeks for some tour photos. We also may get our mits on a handful of the tour t-shirts, which will be made available at the Company Store. How does the band feel now that they are home and resting? Olympic.
Well, the time has finally arrived. The Loomer UK tour dates are written in limestone.May 19th – Liverpool – The Cavern Club
10 Mathew Street, Liverpool, L2 6RE
May 20th – Edinburgh – The Village
16 South Fort Street, Edinburgh EH6 4DN
0131 478 7810
May 21st – Glasgow – Laurie’s Bar (acoustic)
34 King St Glasgow, G1 5QT
May 22nd – Carlisle – The Brickyard
14 Fisher Street, Carlisle CA3 8RN
(01228) 512220
May 24th – Brixton – The Windmill
22 Blenheim Gdns, Brixton SW2 5BZ
May 26th – Manchester – Star and Garter
Fairfield Street, Manchester
May 27th – Southampton – Talking Heads
320 Portswood Road, Portswood Southampton SO17 2TD
023 80678446
May 28th – London – Islington Academy
N1 Centre 16 Parkfield Street London N1 0PS
0870 771 2000
Doors 6.30pm
Onstage 8.00pm
Don’t forget that you can tune in to Loomer’s BBC session on the Bob Harris Country show, airing on May 19th @ 7PM GMT.
Check the BBC website for details.
Prior to these delicious UK dates, Loomer still has some unfinished Canadian business. I’ll let Scott explain…
We’re leaving the bubble. It’s a dangerous, old world out there. Full of anger and discontent. You may have noticed that we don’t go forth from the nest very often. Terrorists and dime-store theologians are in the bushes all around us, pun intended. Not to mention the terrorist theologians and the theological terrorists. It’s just not safe. But certain strategies have been known to flush us from our lair. One of the two most successful ploys is to dangle the promise of a Schwartz’s smoked meat sandwich before us, extra fat, dill pickle and don’t forget the fries. The other is to offer us the opportunity to play with some old friends. So when the boys in Stoner invited us up to Montreal to do a show with them at Missy Bar on Saturday, April 23rd, well the wagon was packed, the horses were watered and we were ready to go. For those of you who haven’t had the chance to hear the super right-on grooviness that is Stoner, do yourself a favour and follow the link For those of you who happen to be in the Montreal area, come down and say hello. I’ll be the guy with the hot mustard and idiotic smile on his face, looking vaguely beatific. On the way to Nirvana, we’re making a much needed and highly anticipated (by us) stop Friday, April 22nd at the Grad Club in Kingston, where we’ll be opening up for James McKenty and the Spades . Again, many thanks are due to old friends – Lurch and Sarah in this case – for helping to set this up and to new friend Virginia for the opportunity.
Check out the shows section for details.03.08.05 – LOOMER’S BRITISH IMPLOSION TOUR 2005
So, it seems as though we’re taking the show on the road. Really on the road. We’re off to the UK in May for 11 days of madness, May 18th to the 29th to be specific. We’ve got a bunch of gigs lined up (we’ll post the full schedule on the website in a week or so), and the submarine’s all gassed up and ready to go. Many more details to follow but we thought we’d put the word out. People of the UK, consider yourself warned.